Thursday, November 23, 2017

Send Message or Email to Internal or External User

In the previous post, I showed how to send a very simple message to another logged on user in SAP, hence if the user is not logged in, he/she will not get the message. Here I will introduce another function module known as SO_NEW_DOCUMENT_SEND_API1 to send email to internal SAP user or External user as an email.

REPORT  y_evan_email.

DATA : maildata TYPE sodocchgi1.
DATA : mailtxt TYPE TABLE OF solisti1 WITH HEADER LINE. " To store message
DATA : mailrec TYPE TABLE OF somlreci1 WITH HEADER LINE. "To store receiver

  CLEAR : maildata, mailtxt, mailrec.

  REFRESH:mailtxt, mailrec.

  maildata-obj_name = 'message1'.
  maildata-obj_descr = 'This is not urgent, just Testing'. "Subject
  maildata-obj_langu = sy-langu.

  mailtxt-line = 'Hello World, I am Message 1'.
  APPEND mailtxt.

  maildata-obj_name = 'message2'.
  maildata-obj_langu = sy-langu.

  mailtxt-line = 'And this is message 2'.
  APPEND mailtxt.

"Send to external
  mailrec-receiver = ''.
*  mailrec-COPY = 'X'. "Set as CC
*  mailrec-BLIND_COPY = 'X'.  "Set as BCC
  mailrec-NOTIF_READ = 'X'.
  mailrec-rec_type = 'U'. "Use if it is an external mail
  APPEND mailrec.

"Send to internal
  mailrec-receiver = 'SOL_EVAN'.
*  mailrec-COPY = 'X'. "CC
*  mailrec-BLIND_COPY = 'X'.  "BCC
*  mailrec-NO_FORWARD = 'X'.
  mailrec-no_print = 'X'.
*  mailrec-to_answer = 'X'.
  mailrec-EXPRESS = 'X'. "Show pop up notification
  mailrec-NOTIF_READ = 'X'.
  APPEND mailrec.

  document_data = maildata
  document_type = 'RAW'
  put_in_outbox = ' '
  commit_work = 'X'
*   IP_ENCRYPT                       =
*   IP_SIGN                          =
*   SENT_TO_ALL                      =
*   NEW_OBJECT_ID                    =
   OBJECT_HEADER                    = mailtxt
   OBJECT_CONTENT                   = mailtxt
*   CONTENTS_HEX                     =
*   OBJECT_PARA                      =
*   OBJECT_PARB                      =
      receivers                        = mailrec
     too_many_receivers               = 1
     document_not_sent                = 2
     document_type_not_exist          = 3
     operation_no_authorization       = 4
     parameter_error                  = 5
     x_error                          = 6
     enqueue_error                    = 7
     OTHERS                           = 8
  IF sy-subrc <> 0.
    MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno
    WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.

The following sample program will create a message based on table mailtxt and will send it to the receiver referencing table mailrec. You can change the attribute of the receiver to set whether it is a CC or BCC, etc. But i will show the main difference for the internal and external receiver which is the rec_type attribute. This attribute need to be set as 'U' to tell SAP that the receiver is external.

Here is the Sample Output from the above code:

External / Email


- Get Notification if express attribute in the mailrec is checked

- Received the message on tcode SO01

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